

gkong 工控参考 2023-07-11






AVEVA has unveiled its Discrete Lean Management software to support digital transformation in the discrete manufacturing market. The offering works to improve operational efficiency through the digitalization of lean work management for both manual and automated production lines. AVEVA’s digital tools enable access to production information, KPIs and notifications on dashboards, workstations and mobile devices to improve overall equipment and labor effectiveness, and to facilitate data-driven improvement.


AVEVA Discrete Lean Management is designed to address the issues faced by operating manufacturing plants still using paper-based systems for lean and work order management, work instructions and data collection procedures. It enables physical records to be replaced with digital tools that mitigate the risk of manual processes and provides real time visibility into production performance allowing team collaboration in response to production issues.


The AVEVA Discrete Lean Management software solution is used in Schneider Electric’s manufacturing plants and has been successfully deployed in more than 70 smart factories globally resulting a 10% productivity increase due to downtime mitigation and 70% improved response-time due to automated escalation of production issues.

“AVEVA离散精益管理”软件解决方案已在施耐德电气的制造工厂中使用,在全球70多家智能工厂中成功部署,由于减少了停机时间,生产率提高了10%,同时随着生产问题自动升级,响应时间缩短了70% 。

The World Economic Forum has commended four of Schneider Electric’s Smart Factories for comprehensively deploying a wide range of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and use cases at scale, while keeping people and sustainability at the heart of their innovation strategies.


The solution also works to minimize the number of manual production and lean data collection tasks leveraging the full range of AVEVA’s connectivity to IoT devices and over 200 plant automation systems. AVEVA’s global presence and partner ecosystem enable manufacturing companies to execute their Industry 4.0 and manufacturing operations transformation strategies. It is available as a part of the AVEVA Flex subscription program, designed to give customers complete flexibility in the procurement, design, management and utilization of their industrial control systems, empowering customers to adopt transformative technologies. 

该解决方案还利用AVEVA与物联网设备和200多个工厂自动化系统的全方位连接,最大限度地减少了人工生产和精益数据收集任务的数量。AVEVA的全球布局和合作伙伴生态系统使制造公司能够执行其工业4.0和制造运营转型战略。它是AVEVA Flex订阅计划的一部分,旨在为客户提供工业控制系统采购、设计、管理和使用方面的完全灵活性,使客户能够采用变革性技术。


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